Great news to all King Midget enthusiast, we now have a group of individuals that have volunteered to advise those of you that have questions about your King Midget, history of Midget Motors, or the club. Feel free to use this list to your advantage. Pick a person in the category that best aligns with your question, give them a call or email and they will get back to you with some answers. Your question may get passed around in the panel for more answers and clarification to best answer your questions. This fine group can answer any question you may have, no need to go anywhere else.  Happy motoring…Lee Seats.


Technical advisers and experience: (stock or original)

Nick Kreinbrink: (since 1967)  419-347-7217                Ohio
Brian Kreinbrink: (since 1987)  419-347-1302               Ohio
Bob Vahsholtz: (since 1992)  Ca.
Richard Arnold: (since 1994)   740-434-5420                  Ohio
John White: (since 1994)       Pa.
Paul Gerhardt : (since 1995)   937-605-4531    Ohio
Bill Arnold: (since 1998)  740-525-2516                         Ohio
Lee Seats: (since 2000)   423-383-9278 Tn
Alan Day : (since 2000) 865-924-6277  Tn
Jeri Polack : (since 2000)  330-727-9917                          Ohio
Bob Olbers : (since 2005)         Maryland

Technical Advisers and experience: (Modified )

Mike Briere (since 1974)               Ct
Paul Gerhardt : (since 1995)  937-605-4531 Ohio
Lee Seats : (since 2000) 423-383-9278 Tn
Alan Day : (since 2000) 865-924-6277  acokeday@aol.comTn
Jeri Polack: (since 2000)  330-727-9917                           Ohio
Bob Olbers: (since 2005)         Maryland
Randy Chesnutt: (since 2008)   Ca

Advisers and experience: (Historians)

David Funk: (since 1967) 740-591-4738 Ohio
Gary Wood: (since 1991)              Ohio
Bob Vahsholtz: (since 1992)  Ca
John White: (since 1994)                 Pa
Glen Goins: (since 1998)                 Ohio
Alan Day : (since 2000) 865-924-6277 Tn
Lee Seats : (since 2000) 423-383-9278 Tn


(Parts locators and suppliers:)

ARO 2000 division of Putt Georgi ltd – King Midet Convertible Tops: ph# 845-778-1314 web site: 

Paul Gerhardt: (since 1995)  937-605-4531 parts,restoration, body parts Ohio

Lee Seats: (since 2000)  423-383-9278 parts locator     Tn

Rock Creek Consulting (Tim Stine) Wisconsin Engine Parts Monday- Thursday 8 to 5
ph# 814-766-3675 email:

Jeri Polack – (since 2000) – 330-227-9917. Model I & II Grills & King Midget emblems for the grill (Ohio)

Quarter Ton Military – Chickamauga Ga. 423-762-5858, brake parts, horn buttons, etc.