To place a “for sale” ad, you must be a current member of the club. Each ad will run for 2 months or until we are notified that the item has been sold. If you would like the ad to run longer, you must resubmit it after 2 months. Ad will be placed pending verification of The International King Midget Car Club, Inc. membership. Only current/paid member ads will be placed. If you are not a member and would like to become one, please email:

If you are selling a part or KM merchandise please put xxxxx in the boxes that pertain to vehicles only.

To ensure that we run your ad correctly, we ask that you complete ALL of the necessary information below. Incomplete submissions will not be posted on the site. Please try to be as honest and accurate as possible. It is recommended that you also submit a photo of the item to us. When you have submitted this form, please close this window to return to the site.

All Photos should be emailed to


The International King Midget Car Club, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy or content of classifieds. We do not call or verify that an article listed is for sale and is at the correct telephone number. We are not responsible for the item’s condition or availability if other than listed. Ads will run for 60 days or until we are notified to remove it.

BEWARE OF SCAMS! There is a scam circulating about someone who wishes to purchase a vehicle that is owed money from a client here in the States. They offer a certified check (which will turn out to be phony but will initially pass bank’s scrutiny). You will send balance of funds from check to them. If they pick up vehicle, you will be out funds you sent and your car!
