Additions and Updates

You can download additions and updates to your SHOP NOTES manual hereas they are published in King Midget News. They’re in PDF format, assuring the formatting survives and is easy to download. Each update is listed separately, including publication date and title. Just click on the title to download, then print, punch and add to the proper section of your book. As of fall, 2018 King Midget News includes properly formatted Shop Notes pages you can remove and add directly to your manual, if you prefer. Make a note in your copy of the table of Contents so you can find each easily. By adding these files, you can keep your manual up-to-date.
In addition to 50+ update articles for the manual, the downloads include the following files you may find useful:

Periodic updates of the Table of Contents, adding and cross referencing newer articles to help keep your manual tidy and useful. 

A sheet that briefly names each section, two sided. Print, cut, fold and insert them in tab sheets from a stationer to help find sections easily. 

A file you can download and print for the spine of your three-ring binder if you wish.

An extra copy of the cover you can print for your three-ring binder if you use one of those that accepts inserts.

Revisions and updates to MAKE DRIVING FUN AGAIN The King Midget Club Special. These files are preceded by an “X” below.

Additions and Updates

4/14/17 A-14 M2 Owners Manual Part 2
4/14/17 A-14 Model 2 Owners Manual
4/14/17 A-15 M2 Owners Manual Part 2
4/14/17 A-16 Production Estimate
10/7/17 A-17 Model A Midget
2/24/19 A-18 M2 Hood Ornaments
4/15/19 A-19 As Built 64 Model 3
10/5/19 A-20 Production Estimate
4/14/17 B-19 Cleaning porta-walls and whitewalls
4/14/17 B-20 Dressing Up Wheels
4/14/17 B-21 Polishing Your King Midget
4/14/17 B-22 Dash light
10/7/17 B-23 Reducing Oil Mess
4/4/18 B-24 King Midget Gloss
4/14/17 C-23 Wooden Doors
4/14/17 C-24 Simpler Hood Opening contents March 17
4/14/17 Contents March 19
5/15/17 contents May 16
4/9/16 contents Sept 16
10/7/17 D-15 Floating M2 Brakes
10/7/17 D-16 M3 Brakes Drag
10/7/17 D-17 brake Mistakes
3/3/19  D-18 M2 Brake Cables
2/1/20 D-19 Overhauling M3 Brakes
4/3/20 D-20 M2 Brake Shoes
4/14/17 E-11 Clutch Pulley Modifications
1/23/18 E-12 Clutch Revision
4/14/17 F-5 Comet 40 Maintenance
9/4/18 F-6 Alignment and Adjustment
4/14/17 G-13 Support Power Train
4/14/17 G-14 Breaking Drive Shafts
G-15 That Pesky Gear Shift
10/7/17 G-16 Transmissions Again
10/7/17 H-15 Brake Lights
1/23/18 H-16 Multiple Wiring Challenges
3/11/20 H-17 Making the Right Connection
4/14/17 I-19 M3 Tie Rod Replacement
4/14/17 I-20 More on Steering Wheel Repair
4/14/17 I-21 Alternate Front Strut Repair
4/14/17 I-22 Steering Boxr
4/14/17 I-23 Camber
4/14/17 I-24 Steering Letter
4/14/17 I-25 Tightening a Front End
4/14/17 I-26 Bent Axles
1/23/18 I-27 Front Spring Attachment
4/4/18 I-28 Letter Broken Front Strut
10/3/20 I-29 Tie Rod Removal and Steering Washers
I-30 Shock Up Grade
4/14/17 J-14 Speedometer Accuracy
4/14/17 J-15 Dead Speedometer
4/14/17 J-16 M3-Engine Cradle
10/7/17 J-17 Another Dead Speedometer
1/23/18 J-18 Dustcap Mystery
1/23/18 J-19 Rear Suspension Cradle
4/4/18 J-20 Clamp on Cell Phone Mount
4/15/19 J-21 Tension RodBrackets
4/14/17 L-14 Kohler Oil Leaks
4/14/17 L-15 Kohler starter bracket
9/4/18 L-16 High Mount Starter
9/4/18 L-17 Timing Pointer
4/14/17 M-10 M3 Tail Light Innovation
4/14/17 M-11 Folding
M2 Tops

M-12 The Chonda Revolution
9/4/18 M-13 Tonneau Cover
4/14/17 N-34 More Parts
4/14/17 N-35 Gas Caps
4/14/17 O-1968 Manual

02/10/25 Shop_Notes_C-25_Door_Pulls
02/10/25 Shop_Notes_C26_Hold-downs
02/10/25 SN_J22_Vanguard_Exhaust

1a Introduction
b Restoration
c Body and Frame
d Brakes e Clutches
f Comet
g Drive Line
h Electrical
i Steering
j Tuning Engines
k Wisconsin
L Kohler
m Modifications
n Parts